I’m not a big fan of the standard theme templates that most sites provide, but unfortunately I did not have time to find and edit a template to my liking so I had to settle for a Blogger theme and change up the HTML just a little bit. However, I realized that I don’t know as much about HTML --especially in Blogger, since it’s not the host site I use for my own website-- as I thought I did. So, I decided to put that on hold until I have more time to fully dissect the HTML of this particular theme I am using.

One of the primary things I changed on my blog were the fonts. I chose a script font that I have downloaded on my computer as the blog title, and to do that I put it directly onto the background image in Photoshop, since it would not be recognized by Google. I wanted the post title font to be a narrower Sans font to pair with the script, but I couldn’t find a font available in Google that was exactly what I wanted so I had to settle for ‘Open Sans.’ I used ‘Times New Roman’ for all the other fonts on the blog, since everything else is a Sans font, I wanted to add a Sans Serif for contrast. The background image that I chose is a photo I took last summer, because I wanted an image but did not want to have to use someone else’s art on my own blog. I made the post background the same shade as the darkest colors in my image in order to make everything look put together. I chose white for the post titles and a light grey for the body text to create contrast. All the colors used are within the same color family to keep up the repetition of the blog. I kept the theme’s standard alignment and proximity, which consists of a centered post with left aligned text since I believe that is the easiest to look at and read for this type of blog.


  1. Miranda,
    I really love the blog. Creating a before and after picture was super helpful!!! Honestly, I don't have anything else to say. From what you said in your post, I'm going to assume that you took Commercial Publications. If you have, I can see what you have applied from that class to this assignment. Great work. It looks amazing!

  2. Hi Miranda, your blog was really interesting and looks great. I love how detailed you were and how you created the layout. The before and after pictures make it really easy to follow and makes the page look nice and professional while adding a great contrast in colors. Great job!

  3. Hi Miranda,
    I think that your blog was really put together & the fonts that you chose make it really easy for me to read through it. I like the way you utilized proximity & repition in your blog. Overall good job on your blog design.


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